Unalterable Love and Grace

yellow-orange sunset with puffy dark clouds touched with red
God is eternally unchanging. Isn’t that beautiful? I was pondering that this morning. I think I tend to think of it in terms of “God never changes.” But it’s more than that too. It’s also “Nothing can change God.” God being unchanging means His wonderful attributes are never conditional. You cannot hinder His overwhelming love for you. You cannot dull His everlasting mercy upon you. You cannot dim His heart of blessing toward you. You simply have zero power to alter the heart of God toward yourself or anyone or anything else.
That is overwhelmingly beautiful when you think about it. There are no number of mistakes that can even begin to bring the slightest hint of change in the way God views you. As His child He sees you as beloved. Period. End of story. He adores you. And His very essence of never changing makes it impossible for that to ever cease for any reason.
Rest in His unalterable love and grace. Let “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:7)


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